Friday, 13 June 2014

Logging rushes and creating an edit decision list P4(a)

This screenshot shows my starting up adobe Premiere pro.

These screenshots show the first stages that appear when you open premium pro. First do you want to open an new document or open an exciting document, stage two you can give your new document a title plus change the size of the screen depending on what camera was used, therefore it asks what display format and what capture format do you want to use.

Next is the option to choice what quality of screen that you would what you use whilst you are editing. This is also dependent on your camera because it you have a low definition camera and you pice a high definition screen to edit with, it will make the program very slow and hard to edit without the screen jumping. This is also where you name the sequence edit meaning you are giving the title that all the clips that you are going to edit sit under.

After that is done the next thing that will appear is the editing screen, however their is nothing to edit as they have to be imported like so:

These screenshots above show the process of how the clips and imported.

This screenshot above shows the clips have been imported in to the document and are ready for editing.

The screenshot above shows that I have changed the names of the clips so I understand what the clip is and can use it in the correct section, when editing.

This screenshot shows me fading out the song to link with what is on the video screen.

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